Sunday, August 28, 2011

Meadow Socks

After two four-day weekends of traveling and getting a pair of socks done each weekend, it was a bit of a letdown when I was unable to finish my Meadow Socks. As you can see, I have not even gotten to the heel turn.

I told you in a previous post that I wanted to put cables in these socks, as this yarn promised good stitch definition. I decided on a double, mirrored cable that runs up the top of the foot and up the front of the leg. The sock uses a toe with a figure 8 cast-on. I found a wonderful online pictorial lesson called Silver's Sock Class for this cast-on. It was very easy to do and tied with Cat Bordhi's Sweet Tomato Heel, who needs a pattern?!

Liberty Wool by Classic Elite Yarns, is a pleasure to knit. I think I have found a new favorite! It is soft and very smooth. I have not had much problem with the plies splitting and the stitches are easy to see and pick up. The fibers have a great elasticity to them, so it is easy to manipulate the yarn for the cables. That also makes it easy to smooth out the cables by pulling the stitches into line.

I have some quilting to do today, so I won't be getting these socks done this weekend. However, next weekend is Labor Day and I can definitely finish them by the end of a three-day weekend.

I am already thinking of my next project. I have a friend that wants a pair of texting mittens. I can't find a pattern I like for that; so I may have to design something myself.

Happy Knitting!

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