Saturday, June 11, 2011

Knitting Lace -- or starting another project before finishing any of the others.

I know that I shouldn't have done it -- but I did. I started another project before finishing any of the others. This seems to be a trend. Let's not talk about the 12 partial quilts in the basement, or the needlepoint picture, or the crocheted afghans (two that I can remember), or the still unfinished baby overalls with the cute little ladybugs on them, or the tatted lace, or the . . .like I said we won't talk about it!

Today we are going to discuss my new project. This is as far as I have gotten in a week. I have done several more rows than this; however, you don't see them because they were frogged* -- repeatedly. First I knitted 12 rows only to find I did something wrong and had to rip it out. Then I started again, knit 15 rows and looked at the pattern again and realized I was right the first time. After a 2 day break, I started again, this time adding life lines every 4 rows. It is hard to see the life lines in this photo as they are white yarn. Adding the life lines have helped as I am ripping out fewer lines when I make a mistake. I think that I have knitted close to 50 rows altogether, but you only see 20 rows here.

I read somewhere once that lace didn't look very good until you blocked it. That is an understatement. I can't tell what this lace will look like -- and right now it looks like a "dog's breakfast"**.


As for some of my other UFO projects:

Actually, I DID finish the scarf that I had started some hundred years ago. And I have enough yarn left over to do a hat with the same yarn to "match" it. I found a pattern for a lacy slouch beret -- I just need to get size 7 dpns.

The old afghan I found in a drawer has been stagnating in my knitting bag. I am beginning to think that I have two choices: frog it and use the yarn for something else or try to run a life line past where I lost the pattern and begin again.

I have a partially done baby sweater which I am knitting on my USM knitting machine. I have done one of the sides and the back, but it too has been languishing waiting for piece number three to be completed.

I have done some work on the mittens, errr, mitten, singular as I have not gotten past the first few rows of the pattern. I think that this evening, after dinner is done, it will be me, the mittens, a baseball game and a glass of wine. 

It is very slow going and I keep finding more patterns to save and dream about doing. Not to mention all the time I spend writing this blog.

Happy knitting!

*Frogging is to rip out the previously knitted work. As in Rip it, Rip it.
**Dog's breakfast is British slang for a complete mess.

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