Monday, January 30, 2012

Ashton Shawlette continues to grow

It has how grown big enough that I can't stretch it out too much or it will extend past my 47 inch circular. I have finished chart 3 and am about to start chart 4. That means there is only 19 more rows to go before I cast off! Yea!

I have been thinking about how I will block it. I really don't have the money to spend on blocking wires right now. I saw one of Dee O'Keefe's posts where she suggests using cotton yarn in place of a blocking wire for the top of the shawl only.  You would have to stretch it really tight and use pins to keep it in a straight line. Of course you would pin out each point on the two wings.

I am trying to pick which of the other yarns that I bought will be the next shawlette.

Happy Knitting!

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